Meet the Staff
Headteacher: Kate Nunn
Deputy Headteacher & KS2 Lead: Rosie Asbridge
Regional Business Partner: Kenneth Sheard
EYFS & KS1 Lead: Hayley Atkins
SENDCo: Nicola Chisnall
Y6 - Alex Bourdillon / Charlie Harben
Y5 - Sally Sargeant / Tamara Hodgson-May
Y4 - Amber Hastings
Y3 - Adam Munn
Y2 - Elizabeth Johnson
Y1- Jessica Gunner
Early Years Provision - Hayley Atkins
Admin Team
Office Manager: Linda Brown
Admin assistant: Kelly Farress
Premises Team
Caretaker: Andrew Johnson
Regional Site Manager: David Neary
Learning Support Assistants
Tanya Oppezzo
Abby Clarke
Vanessa Bambridge
Jessica Brown
Katie Draper
Mandy Rouse
Andie Hogg
Tammy Preston
Sharon Major
Breakfast Club team
Leanne Cole
Gill Price
Midday Assistants
Gill Price
Shirley Cordell
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Rosie Asbridge
Deputy Safeguarding Leads
Hayley Atkins
Nicola Chisnall
Safeguarding Governor
Sharon Finegold
Designated Safeguarding Directors
at The Kemnal Academies Trust
Scott Wilson and Rachel Martin