Dear Parents and Carers,
Re: OFSTED Report
I am delighted to be able to share with you the report from our recent Ofsted inspection, which judged our school as good in all areas.
The report is clear that the school has many strengths which include:
- Leaders have worked hard to improve the culture of the school and have high ambitions for pupils.
- Teachers have received high quality training to help them implement leaders’ ambitious curriculum.
- Pupils feel happy and safe because adults are caring and kind and know pupils as individuals. Adults care deeply about them.
- Pupils’ positive behaviour means the school is a calm and purposeful place.
- Lessons run smoothly and are rarely disrupted.
- Making sure that pupils learn to read takes top priority.
- Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities learn the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.
- The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Leaders have established a culture of vigilance through strong systems and processes.
- Members of the local governing board work in harmony with trust leaders to challenge and support school leaders.
I feel that the report provides an accurate snapshot of the current provision here at Willow Brook and reflects the positive experiences and progress of our pupils.
It also recognises the incredible amount of hard work that all the staff have put in and their contribution towards that judgement.
As we continue on our journey to raise standards and ensure that all our pupils are fully equipped and prepared for the next stage of their lives, we thank you for your continued support and partnership.
Yours sincerely
Mr R Leach
Executive Headteacher
Please follow the link below to read the report: