Re: Strike Action in Schools
Dear Parents and Carers,
Re: Strike Action in Schools
I am writing to you to confirm that the largest teaching union, the NEU, announced the intention to hold strike action in schools. It appears the dates which will affect our area of the country are the following:
● Wednesday 1 February
● Thursday 2 March
● Wednesday 15 March
● Thursday 16 March
This news was announced on Monday and further adds to the scale of strikes across many areas of the Public Sector.
In the meantime, be assured as a school, we will focus on our pupils as the priority; to make sure they know what they have to do to be successful in the term ahead.
In terms of impact on specific days, now that we know more we will start to map the impact and what contingency or alternatives can be arranged.
I hope you appreciate this is not a quick task and needs careful thought. We will be in touch regarding any rearrangements of events or restricted opening as soon as we are able.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Mr R Leach
Executive Headteacher