Week beginning 1st June 2020
Hope you all enjoyed your half term and managed to amuse yourselves. We are going to continue to look at The Human Body. This week we are going to focus on: ORGANS
- Watch this clip to show you the internal organs and where they are placed in your body.
- Watch the PowerPoint to find out all about the organs and their functions
Inside the Body PPT
- Watch the clip from BBC Bitesize to explore the organs in your body
- Cut out the labels from the sheet and match them to the correct organs. I’ve included the answers, so no cheating!
Match organs sheet
- Cut out the organ pictures and the function cards and then play a pairs game with a family member.
Pairs game, matching organs to functions sheet
- Use the sheet to colour the organs the correct colour
Organs colouring sheet
- Follow the link to complete a quick interactive quiz about organs
- Follow the link to complete a quick interactive quiz about organs
- Try to make all of the human organs from old bits of scrap around the house e.g. a plastic bottle for the lungs. Crate the brain using play dough,
- Arnold has lost his organs. Follow the link to drag and drop the organs to the correct places.
- Complete the Word search to find the organs
Organs Wordsearch
- Watch this to show how to take your fingerprints using only a pencil, a piece of paper and some sellotape. Take your families prints- who has mainly Whorls, Loops or Arches?