Week beginning 8th June 2020
We are going to continue to look at The Human Body. This week we start to look at all of the juicy stuff! THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM
- Join our two favourite friends to journey through The Digestive System.
- Watch the clips on BBC Bitesize to explore even more.
- Use the PowerPoint to find out about each part of the digestive system
Digestive system PPT
- Then create a poster showing the parts of the digestive system. Don’t forget to label it correctly.
- Cut out the dominoes from the sheet and then order them correctly.
Digestive System dominoes
- Cut out the organ pictures, the function cards and the picture of the body and place the organs in the correct place and match with its function
Digestive system cut and stick
- Click on the link to follow interactive guides and a quiz
- Follow the link to drag and drop the digestive systems organs into the body
- Follow the link to complete a quick interactive quiz about the digestive system
- If you (or your parents) are feeling really brave then try making your own poo! Watch this clip for the idea, however keep it simple – I’ve just used a slice of bread and some coke to represent the stomach acids in a ziplock bag.
- Complete the Digestive system Word Search.
Digestive System Wordsearch
- Complete the Digestive system Crossword
Digestive System crossword
Don’t forget to upload your learning into your own folders on the class pages. Follow the link to get there.