Topic learning for 30.03.20
Hi my lovely Team 4 - I miss you all and hope that you and your family are all staying safe.
Topic is going to look a little different to usual. Every week I will set a project for you to complete in your Topic time and then you can complete it how you want- either choose a daily activity from the list OR present something daily however you want.
Don't forget to login to Joe Wicks body coach PE lesson daily at 9am. Follow the link:
Thought we'd start this with a topic that we have already looked at, just so you get the idea.
Topic – Romans project
Throughout the week use your topic time to research The Romans
You could then use your research to –
- Write a diary entry from a soldier who has had no choice but to join the army.
- Make a board game of one of the battles
- Draw and label the armour that a Roman soldier would have
- Make a set of Roman ruler Top Trumps
- Draw and label a timeline of the Roman invasion
- Use Roman numerals to write a coded message
- Use your recycling to make a junk model of a Roman Town
- Draw/ Sketch / paint what Colchester looked like in the Roman times
- Make a fact file of all of the Roman sites or artefacts that are still in Colchester- include drawings.
Enjoy, and don't forget to upload some of your work into your folders on the website, I'd love to see some.
Look after yourselves. Mrs. Chisnall