Week Beginning 20.04.2020
Week beginning 20th April
Hello Year 5 superstars.
Hope you are all well and staying safe. I am missing you all lots.
J Well done for all the awesome work you have done so far.
I thought this week we might do a cross-curricular learning project based on a short film called ‘The Catch’. You can find a link to it here - https://www.literacyshed.com/the-other-cultures-shed.html
Choose one or two of these activities to do each day… or come up with your own (be as creative/exciting as you like!). Please upload any work that you do onto our class shared folder on the school website.
- Write a dialogue between the fox and the boy
- Write a film review for a magazine
- Research other traditional tales from other countries
- Write a haiku poem –
Haiku Poem (5-7-5)
A syllable is a sound which makes up a word:
Haiku poems are made using three lines.
Haiku syllable rule:
First line: 5 syllables
Second line: 7 syllables
Third line: 5 syllables
A boy- hungry, small 5 syllables
A rescued fox showing thanks 7 syllables
- Desperate tribe, saved. 5 syllables
Maths challenge
The boy goes fishing every day for a week. On the first morning he catches three fish.
On the second morning his catch increases by 10% to 30 fish. The number of fish he catches increases by 10% each day until he has caught 30,000 fish. How many days has he been fishing?
Extra Challenges:
The boy has a basket full of 24 fish. He sells each fish for 50p. How much money does he make?
He decides to offer a deal- anybody who purchases two fish gets a third one half price. He sells all 24 fish using the deal. How much money does he make?
- Create a food chain mobile
- Explore different boat shapes. Trying making some out of foil and testing them in the sink/bath – which floats the best?
- Write and draw your own survival guide
- Find out how many different types of fish there are – draw your favourite
- Play ‘flap the kipper’. Can you win against other people in your household? Ask someone to film your victory dance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pp-8kZvm0A
- Weave leaves to make a tribal hat
- Create your own mandala
- Make a round hut
- Make a moving paper fish - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmZgsnY8fMQ
Geography: See homes research image.
- Create a new yoga positions – one for the boy and one for the fox
- Make a celebration dance for finding the huge fish
- Write a rap about the fox stealing the fish and then helping the boy
- Research songs about fish or from other cultures